Seinarukana translation errors: spoiler section

This is the spoiler section of the larger post Seinarukana: A compilation of translation errors in the official English release.  It contains minor spoilers for events in the last few chapters of the game.  I doubt most people would mind these spoilers, but to be respectful I've walled them off in this section.  Do note that these are likely the most egregious errors because they disrupt important scenes.

Comment format:

Speaker (when applicable): Original Japanese
JAST's official English translation
My translation
Screenshot showing the context in the game message log

At the start of of Ch. 12, Sorluska confesses to Talia. I'm breaking the established format here to present the scene in one piece.

Sorluska: お前、この世界に残れ。
Talia: はあ?ちょっと…何を行き成り?
Sorluska: だから…エトカリファには行くなて言ってるんだよ。
Talia: なにそれ?何であんたにその命令されなく行けないよ?

Sorluska: You're staying in this world.
Talia: Huh? Hold it. What're you talking about?
Sorluska: Cause we're going after Et Ca Repha.
Talia: So what?  Why're you telling me that I can't go?

Sorluska: Talia, stay behind in this world.
Talia: Huh? Wait, what are you saying all of a sudden?
Sorluska: What I'm saying is... don't come with us to fight Et Ca Repha.
Talia: What're you talking about?  Why should I have to follow orders from the likes of you?

This conversation is subtly corrupted in the official translation. The nuances in the original Japanese are lost, and as a result the conversation in JAST's version feels stilted and awkward (even more than it should be). In JAST's version, Sorluska is being bossy and Talia seems to accept his authority. In the original (obvious with the voices), Sorluska is struggling to convey his feelings and Talia is rejecting his clumsy attempt to tell her what to do, not realizing he's confessing to her.

Nozomi is confessing her unrequited love to Nozomu in Satsuki's route (important dramatic scene!)

Nozomi: それに、望むちゃんが大好きだから、先輩の振る舞いを見て、望むちゃんが辛そうにしてるにも、やっぱり悲しくって堪らなかったよ。
And you love her.  Seeing her act like that and causing you pain... just makes me so sad that I can't stand it.
And since I love you, watching her act like that and causing you pain... it makes me so sad I can't stand it.

Mix-up of "I love you" and "you love her" in a confession scene.  That's embarrassing.

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